Lacuna coil
Trash Line
Kill Harmonic
Dead Carnation
Trail of Tears
After Forever
Omega Lithium
Stream of Passion
Seven Dark Eyes
Theatre Of Tragedy
Within Temptation / Within Temptation
Flag Of Hate
Ksatria Noesantara
Adulouis Angel After Forever Agnosthica Altacius Amaron Amatory Amerta Angel From Hell anueta Aorta Arevhutus Armored Armour Astana Atargatis Athena Atilla BACK LINK Balambika Ballastic Balthazor Bandoso Batu Nisan Begundal Lawok Waru Bernanah Bethorokolo Betrayer Black Light Death Black Metal BLACK METAL atau UNDER GROUND TIDAK SESAT Black natural Black Protector Bloody Symphony Bluekuthuq Bromo Brutal Death Metal Burning Grave Burning Tears Camboja Castle Gothic Catatan 666 Ceteria Choruse Cleopatra Compilations Cradle of Filth Crucifix Crystal Dream Cultural D'lonix Dajjal Dark Orchestra Dark Ornust Day Of Hate Dead Carnations Dead Occulta Deadmaya Death metal Deepressive Suicidal Black Metal Demo Album/Band/Song/Video metal genre Demonicra Devil badness Dhanyank Dhemit Dimmu Borgir Dinasty Doom metal Dosalibsick Download Software Equalizer (Full Versi) Untuk Meningkatkan Dentuman Bass Dramatical Misery Dramatis Dreamer Drosophila Durhaka Edel Elegi Elmeod Emptys End of Julia Envelope Epica Episode 666 Eternal Darkness Eternal Madness Event Everlasting Tales F.O.E Factorial Fadhalius Famlet Female Metal Flag of Hate Forgive me after Forgotten Fragment of euthanasia Frantic amber Funeral Inception Geboren Gelap Generator Getah Sewo Ghostycall Gibraltar Gladness Gloryous Angel Gog Magog Gothic Metal Grave story Grievious Grumbul Mystic Hellgods Hellish Hellzigurath Histeria Holy Guardian Angel Hukum karma ice queen ILM Imperia Indoesian Extreme Music Labels INNERBEAUTY Insanul maut Istiana Istinia Javanesse Blac Metal Join Community Kamar Mayat Kedaton Kedjawen Kembang Kuburan Kembang Menyan Keranda Berkarat Khadam Khianat Killharmonic Korek Api Krypteria Ksatria Noesantara Kubur Masal Kunci gitar lagu metal Labels Record Lacuna Coil Last Memory Lelembut Lembah Pangapuro Life After Death Lima Satu Lost another Lucifier Lyrics Majestic Empire Makam Selatan Mallice Manial Darkness Mati Suri Mayyat Memedi Merchendise Metabolix Metalik Klinik Methem physofic Milagrosh Moksa Monalisa Moses bandwidth Mosess bandwith Mummy Murtad Myriads Natural Disharmony Records Nemesea Nevhania shamara Nightwish Nosferatu Notes 666 NSP / RBT Omega Lithium Ottar Ozora Painfield Pasthe line Pejah Pilgrim Power Metal Praying For Suicide Tragedy Profile Bands Progressive Metal Pulasara Radhu Da Silva Rasputin Razor Restless Ritual For Majesty Ritual Orchestra Rusuah Sacral Ceremony Santet Sarcastic Satrio Ireng Sejarah Gothic Metal Sekar Jagad Sekar mayat Sekarat Pati 666 Seven Dark Eyes Silentium SILLUET Sirenia Sottish Stravaganzza Stream of Passion Suku Qlawu Suntik Mati suntix mati Support Buat Under Ground Suropati Symphonic Epic Metal Symphonic Metal Tacere Tanah Kubur Tarja Telepati Teluh 666 Teribble Symphonic The Accolade Theatre Of Tragedy Thrash Metal Tirani Tireisias Total tragedi Total tragedy Tragang Tragical Mourning Trail of Tears Trash Line Tristania Two Ice Queen Tyranical symphony Tyranty Un Named Band Unread Lips Utusan Suci Valhalla Video Wingit Within Temptation Xandria Zabaniyah Zeus Zhalim Zolla